It was developed by Sackel in 1933.
It is an old method of treatment rarely used nowadays.
Earlier, it was very successful in the treatment of schizophrenia.
The places where it is used car for chronic regress De schizophrenia.
Method –
Following a thorough investigation and physical examination, The patient is staffed for a minimum of 12 hours before receiving 10 units of crystalline intramuscular insulin.
A sensitivity test is performed prior to the administration of insulin, and the patient is then given a high-carbohydrate diet after 2 to 3 hours.
Every day a dose of insulin is increased by 10 units till the insulin coma is used.
This is terminated immediately by giving 25% of the IV glucose.
A coma is maintained for 10 to 45 minutes the next day.
The optimum coma dose of insulin is ascertained by reducing the dose from 5 to 10 units daily.
The coma is now reached after five days of receiving the optimum dose; on the sixth day, half of the optimum dose is administered; and on the seventh day, no dose is administered and therapy is terminated.
This method results in a coma lasting 20 to 25 minutes.
Precautions –
Patients should be observed for excessive sweating or unconsciousness even after the first dose.
If convergence is present and ICT is terminated, there should be no epileptic seizures.
Contraindications –
Sensitivity to insulin
Low blood sugar level
Any cardiovascular disease
Complications –
Mile secondary coma
Irreversible coma